Intentional Product Manager Success Stories

Explore testimonials from a wide range of clients that we have helped achieve their dreams of freedom and success in their Product Management careers, and find one (or more) that match your background and goals.

What IPM is all about ...

At Intentional Product Manager, our programs are ALL built around one thing: RESULTS. While other programs hand you a bunch of information and then leave you on your own, we are different. We hold your hand every step of the way and coach you through the entire process. This is why Intentional Product Manager has better results than any other product management program anywhere in the world.
Every review we are sharing here is 100% verified and authentic. No client is ever paid, rewarded, or compensated in any way for their feedback. To assure total transparency, we use a service called TrustPilot to independently gather our client reviews. TrustPilot does not allow us to remove, edit, or change reviews in any way. What you see is exactly what the client wrote.